entra al casino repartiendo billetes
y las luces bailan en su cabeza
mientras Blue Moon suena a todo trapo.
Ricky está rodeado de manada
a la que silencia con la visión de capitán frío
y con desdén deja que aullen mientras se alimentan
con los restos del brunch del Mandalay
Ricky es fana de los Blues
aunque Rooney juegue para los Devils
y lo tiene en su rincón bien atado
espantando las moscas de su cinturón
Ricky puede dar y cobrar como aquella noche con Floyd
pero nunca deja que la rueda se pare
y aunque estrelle su cabeza contra la esquina
su gran secreto es que nunca duerme.
Ricky es el Orgullo del Hyde
el matador profesional, el mexicano de Manchester
y bajo su mirada de pequeño asesino
todos los sparrings piden el cambio.
Ricky desayuna huevos fritos con panceta
en The Butty Box antes de cada pelea
y todos los jueves se toma una pinta de Guinness
mientras juega a los dardos en el New Inn.
Ricky defiende su dieta
porque se retirará en tres o cuatro peleas
y dice que engorda entre los combates
simplemente porque hay mucha comida en su plato.
Ricky es un chico bien educado
su mamá Carol todavía trabaja en el mercado de Glossop
y su casa se llama Heartbreak Hotel
porque Ricky está enamorado de Elvis.
Y como no le voy a escribir una poesía,
por mala que sea,
a un boxeador que está enamorado de Elvis.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Ricky baja de la limo
Publicado por
8:02 AM
Etiquetas: boxeo, Poemas del Placard
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Ese Hatton, Ricky Hatton, cuanta pimienta le pone a todo. Debería ser irlandés.
"Hatton confirmed this himself before The Mirror ambushed him on holiday in Tenerife, where "a titanic booze bout" was described in detail by a news reporter who had posed as a fan: Over four days, the Hitman drained Spain with a binge that would have floored all opponents. Ricky sank 57 pints, 17 vodka and Red Bulls, four vodkas, three whisky chasers, and a bottle of Moet champagne. But, displaying the scars from last month's Las Vegas welterweight defeat to Floyd Mayweather, he was still standing. Vowing to The Mirror that his fighting career was not over, he declared "you'll see me again in the ring. Unfortunately, I lost in Vegas but that's the end of it.". The multimillionaire joked, "A few more drinks and I won't remember anyway."
Finally, another holiday on safari in South Africa culminated in what the Daily Star described breathlessly as "a heart stopping moment" when Hatton "cheated death after being attacked by an eight ton elephant". Hatton and his family were in a Land Rover on a big game sightseeing ride when the elephant stopped them in the middle of the road. "We didn't have time to turn around and we were told not to make any sudden movements, but Richard sneezed and then the tusks came into the back," Ray Hatton, who manages his son's career, was quoted saying. "It was squeaky bum time."
So when Hatton showed up in London for a lunch organized by the British Boxing Writers during the las week of February, his appearance and demeanor were reassuring. He wore a sharp suit, remained sober throughout, reported that he was back in training with Graham at the Betta Bodies Gym, and sported no scars from his encounter with Mayweather - or the elephant.
Hatton es un grandisimo boxeador, increible, bien se merece una poesía.
El combate con Mayweather fue increible, salió a por todas, y perdió contra un Dios.
UN grande, gran foto y gran poema.
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